Friday, August 29, 2008


Is mine. Bought an 06 wrangler on tuesday. So stoked. Can't wait to put some new tires on this thing. Anyone in the market for a car I really recommend you do your homework. Lots of dealers in town are notorious for trying to scam you out of your money. Basically avoid all the UNITED dealers period.

Anyways glad for the 3 day weekend going to hang out with alot of people I havn't seen in a while.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Just remembered....

That one of my buddies dad's is a dealer. No not drugs/cards. A car dealer.

Set up a meeting with him for this weekend to check out some new toyota's. Pretty excited and it helps ease the feeling of getting stuck with some money sucking leech of a dealer that we are all so used to...

Mostly reworks this week and lots of them. Had to go back and fix a few things that were left out on some sites for the most part.

Hookah yums tonight yayer....

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

My phone...

apparently has some type of new feature where if I press a button the battery meter moves up a bar. Thanks verizon!! And here I thought you were crap all along! I'll never run out of battery now.

Just thought everyone should check this out GO HERE. I figure everyone would get a good laugh out of that when they compare it to stuff we deal with every day.

New rework policy in place yay! I know its necessary however as we need to implement all of the newer features into some of our older clients sites to help keep everyone happy.

Monday, August 18, 2008


In the market for a jeep wrangler at the moment. Hopefully find one within the next week or so....

Finished up the site for client 2303 today(with the exception of the contact form which refuses to send me emails). Check it here. Pretty happy with it, just waiting for the moment of truth(client approval). Fun project glad I got to work on it. I definitely fancy doing actual design/hand coding over the templated sites we know as timberlakes/federline. Got a stack of regular s.e.o work waiting for me when this is all finished. Fun times.


Thursday, August 14, 2008


On client 2302's site is coming along nicely. The homepage is now online here. 2 more pages to go and it's done. Pretty happy with the design. Unfortunately the client is much in the way of computer-savvy so it's been next to impossible to get any feedback from him. Probably should get use to that because it's unlikely hes the only one like that....

Monday, August 11, 2008

Quickly learning.....

Clients tend not to comply with your request. I mean seriously....If you paid 3000+ for something, you think you would want to make sure that something gets done. Why would you pay that much, then not even send the needed materials to make sure it gets finished??? My client continually promises to fax over the materials "in the next 30 mins" and yet I continue to not receive anything.....

People just don't make sense to me sometimes.

Oh well, I'll just continue to call him until he finally gives in and submits the materials so I can finish the site that HE paid for. It's almost as though I'm causing him an inconvience.

Overall pretty happy with the way the mock-up is coming along.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Pt. 2

Had more icecream today. Yums.

First tech call is at 9:30 tomorrow. Of course I had to get the one client who's first name could be pronounced approximately 17 different ways. It's all good though looking forward to it and pretty sure I got all the information I'll need to not sound like a complete idiot on the phone. I generally do somewhat good when it comes to stuff like this though, so I'm hoping for the best.

Spent majority of the day reworking an insurance site (now I know what Sean feels like). The site has 0 rankings even the the original content was decent. It could have been a problem somewhere within the submission of the site so hopefully with a resubmission and the addition of the new content the site will start pulling at least SOME rankings.

More rain today yay :]

Monday, August 4, 2008

Day of ice cream.



Got the word today that my first tech call will be on Wednesday. Pretty excited about that, something I've been looking forward to for quite some time.

Cloudy for a change today. For some reason clouds always put me in a good mood. I guess living here all my life tends to make one sick of the sun, so it's a nice change.

Been pretty mentally swamped lately with a few personal things in my life. My girlfriend's mother passed away this weekend and it's taken a big toll on both her and I. Service is this Wednesday so I'll probably have to step out a bit early that day.