Monday, September 29, 2008


Sick for nearly a week and a half. Finally starting to get over it. Been a bitch to deal with it. I absolutely hate being sick.

Stuff to look forward to this week -
1. Murs
2. Camping on friday.
3. Sleep

Couple reworks today, and wait for it, a new!!! Finally. Been so long I've nearly forgotten the process. It's coming back to me slowly however. The thing that bugs me the most is the printer. It's not often for there to be nearly a 30 min wait for the que of it with all the stuff we have to print out now. Thing ancient.

Neways thats about it for today kiddies peace.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Never fails to amaze me....every day he manages to come up with something to outdue all the other outrageous lies and b.s. he has come up with. Now he is urging Obama to delay the debates due to the "urgent economic crisis" wait....wasn't McCain quoted saying "the economy is strong" just a couple weeks ago. This man makes me sick. I can only pray that he doesn't get elected.

On a lighter note I've been sick as hell and gotten a total of maybe 5 hours of sleep in the past 2 days.

At least I have this stack of reworks to look forward to when I get to work :]

Looking forward to going camping next weekend. Should be pretty fun.

Keep it real peeps....

Monday, September 15, 2008

Another monday

Surprisingly this one went by fairly quickly still glad its over.

More reworks today. Nothing much to say about them same old same old. What I would do for a good web build right about now.

Obama/Biden 08.

Friday, September 12, 2008


Day of the week is finally here. Gonna hang out with some friends tonight and hopefully sleep in the rest of the weekend. Sangenero fest is tommorow might go check that out too.

Have a good weekend peeps.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Not much

to write about today. Gonna go home and put some stuff on my jeep.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Killed part 1 of the reworks on my desk today. Still a good couple of stacks left to go through, but they should be done before the weeks end.

Someone thinks it's a good idea to continuously turn in new accounts with incomplete sites and partial submissions. Not only is this disrespectful for the client , whom now has half a site and wont even get the rankings, but it reflects bad on us and is guaranteed to come back as a rework for somebody else. It's really starting to get on my nerves and I wish whoever was doing it would just step up and take the blame and fix their mistakes. Anyways just a quick vent. Overall a pretty good day at least the reworks help it go by faster.

I'm hungry.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


with the weather forecasters in this city. I swear everytime I see sun in the forecast I get rain and everytime I'm preparing for a raining day I get nothing but sun. It's pretty screwed up and I've lived here my entire life too. Anytime I see rain in the forecast I get pretty excited but it just never ends up showing.

Getting a few parts for my jeep in the mail today. Justin from server showed me some pics of his jeep today and it made me quite envious. Pretty stoked to start saving up a bit and being able to really put some work into it and have some fun.


Monday, September 8, 2008


+ jeep = Wet. Should've listened to the girlfriend and put the windows back on today. One thing I've come to learn is that the woman is usually right and you should pay at least a decent amount of attention to what she says.

More reworks today. Finally put a dent in the stack on my desk and am nearing the end of the pile. Content isn't fun.

Friday, September 5, 2008


Friday. Although the week did fly by pretty fast considering it was only a 4 day week. Man how I wish that was the standard instead of 5 days. Cut Monday right out of the picture. Ah yes we can only dream.

Probably going to be a pretty uneventful weekend. Maybe play some Spore or something.

Finished a pretty good size stack of reworks today. I found I can write content easiest if I put on some good music and just push through it from beginning to end without stopping. It almost feels like I'm back in school writing that last minute essay(which turned out surprisingly well the majority of the time). I hate essays.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Pretty swamped.

With reworks lately. They are starting to take a lot longer to finish due to the fact that most of them require such a large amount of work to be done to them. Basically creating an entire new site for each rework. The old ones look nothing like the original, have terrible content, and are on an older version of timberlake.

Checked out one of my first reworks ever done while working here and was suprised, to say the least ,at the results. 1's all across the board. Granted that content took me a good week to finish, regardless I was impressed that I was able to accomplish that. Check out the site here. Client number is 1020 if your interested at looking at the results.

Jeep time.