Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Is how I feel right now.

Did a new for a change today. Also completed a licensing site.

NXE comes out tommorow. Can't wait.

Playing left 4 dead at home tongiht.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Day of the Mon.

Did some sites. Ate some foods. Did some more sites.


Friday, November 7, 2008



Pretty decent day. Got some licensing sites finished.

Looking forward to the weekend.

Should be fun.

Zack and Miri tonight!!!!!


Thursday, November 6, 2008


For barracuda. Half the sites we are supposed to use on a daily are mysteriously "unavailable".

Good times.

Starting to get really cold outside.

Kinda sucks.

It's also dark.

License sucks.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008



Today was okay. Wrote lots of words and stuff.


Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election day.

Must say it's getting pretty nerve racking. Obama is out to an early lead.

Let's hope for the sake of the country it stays that way.

Been pretty busy lately with the non-stop flow of yellows (both new and rework)

Actually went jogging for the first time in a couple months the other day. Felt like death.

Funny how I could go from running 11 out of 12 months of the year 6 days a week to near


Anyways today went by decently quick.

Got to rush to the polls after work.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


And boy it feels like it should be friday already.

Long week. At least my desk is finally cleaned off of yellows. Well for today at least I'm sure they will be back tomorrow.

Anyways looking forward to being home soon.

Hungry. Tired.



Monday, October 27, 2008

bloggity blog blog


Not much up. Weekend was pretty fun.

Wrote lots of content today. Seems to be the trend lately.

Good times.


Thursday, October 16, 2008


Great day. More new guidelines. More fun.


Monday, October 13, 2008


Finally its starting to come. Living in vegas you tend to get made fun of for thinking that 70 degrees is quite cold. I say ef em. Im used to 100 + degree weather so of course 70 is cold for me. Don't let me hear you bitch about the heat or its on!

Today was quiet and productive. Wrote lots of content once again. Guess were down another person. That makes 5 in two weeksEeek.

Neways thats about it for today.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Fun day.

Wrote lots of content.

Took a break.

Wrote lots more content.


Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Interesting to say the least. All new procedures for federlines. Well see how they work out but at a glance it certainly seems to be quite a bit more work. Only time will tell.

Once again the server was being a b**** today and continuously went down or loaded slower then hell. Really impedes the process of completing a site when you can even load the damn thing.

Good times.


Monday, October 6, 2008

Good ol' Monday

Spent the large majority of the day trying to implement all the new changes into the federline skin and css to readjust some of the elements on the federline sites. All in all it turned out pretty successful. We were able to implement all of the required changes with only minimal changes to the actual skin file itself.

Went camping this weekend. Tent + cold + rain = Suck. Did take the jeep offroading though which was pretty fun.

Monday went by acceptably fast today


Friday, October 3, 2008


Weekend should be fun. Going camping/offroading. Really looking forward to getting away from the house for a couple days. Should be tight.

Wrote content all day. Exciting stuff. Anyways I'm pooped and ready to go home now so that's about all im writing for today.

Have a good one peeps.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

About time...

Finally starting to reach the end of this damn cold that's been plaguing me for the past week.

Looking forward to tomorrow my favorite underground rapper Murs is going to be in the city.

Overall a decent day and I got through my stack of reworks so that is always a plus.

Neways thats about it for now kiddies.

Monday, September 29, 2008


Sick for nearly a week and a half. Finally starting to get over it. Been a bitch to deal with it. I absolutely hate being sick.

Stuff to look forward to this week -
1. Murs
2. Camping on friday.
3. Sleep

Couple reworks today, and wait for it, a new!!! Finally. Been so long I've nearly forgotten the process. It's coming back to me slowly however. The thing that bugs me the most is the printer. It's not often for there to be nearly a 30 min wait for the que of it with all the stuff we have to print out now. Thing ancient.

Neways thats about it for today kiddies peace.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Never fails to amaze me....every day he manages to come up with something to outdue all the other outrageous lies and b.s. he has come up with. Now he is urging Obama to delay the debates due to the "urgent economic crisis" wait....wasn't McCain quoted saying "the economy is strong" just a couple weeks ago. This man makes me sick. I can only pray that he doesn't get elected.

On a lighter note I've been sick as hell and gotten a total of maybe 5 hours of sleep in the past 2 days.

At least I have this stack of reworks to look forward to when I get to work :]

Looking forward to going camping next weekend. Should be pretty fun.

Keep it real peeps....

Monday, September 15, 2008

Another monday

Surprisingly this one went by fairly quickly still glad its over.

More reworks today. Nothing much to say about them same old same old. What I would do for a good web build right about now.

Obama/Biden 08.

Friday, September 12, 2008


Day of the week is finally here. Gonna hang out with some friends tonight and hopefully sleep in the rest of the weekend. Sangenero fest is tommorow might go check that out too.

Have a good weekend peeps.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Not much

to write about today. Gonna go home and put some stuff on my jeep.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Killed part 1 of the reworks on my desk today. Still a good couple of stacks left to go through, but they should be done before the weeks end.

Someone thinks it's a good idea to continuously turn in new accounts with incomplete sites and partial submissions. Not only is this disrespectful for the client , whom now has half a site and wont even get the rankings, but it reflects bad on us and is guaranteed to come back as a rework for somebody else. It's really starting to get on my nerves and I wish whoever was doing it would just step up and take the blame and fix their mistakes. Anyways just a quick vent. Overall a pretty good day at least the reworks help it go by faster.

I'm hungry.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


with the weather forecasters in this city. I swear everytime I see sun in the forecast I get rain and everytime I'm preparing for a raining day I get nothing but sun. It's pretty screwed up and I've lived here my entire life too. Anytime I see rain in the forecast I get pretty excited but it just never ends up showing.

Getting a few parts for my jeep in the mail today. Justin from server showed me some pics of his jeep today and it made me quite envious. Pretty stoked to start saving up a bit and being able to really put some work into it and have some fun.


Monday, September 8, 2008


+ jeep = Wet. Should've listened to the girlfriend and put the windows back on today. One thing I've come to learn is that the woman is usually right and you should pay at least a decent amount of attention to what she says.

More reworks today. Finally put a dent in the stack on my desk and am nearing the end of the pile. Content isn't fun.

Friday, September 5, 2008


Friday. Although the week did fly by pretty fast considering it was only a 4 day week. Man how I wish that was the standard instead of 5 days. Cut Monday right out of the picture. Ah yes we can only dream.

Probably going to be a pretty uneventful weekend. Maybe play some Spore or something.

Finished a pretty good size stack of reworks today. I found I can write content easiest if I put on some good music and just push through it from beginning to end without stopping. It almost feels like I'm back in school writing that last minute essay(which turned out surprisingly well the majority of the time). I hate essays.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Pretty swamped.

With reworks lately. They are starting to take a lot longer to finish due to the fact that most of them require such a large amount of work to be done to them. Basically creating an entire new site for each rework. The old ones look nothing like the original, have terrible content, and are on an older version of timberlake.

Checked out one of my first reworks ever done while working here and was suprised, to say the least ,at the results. 1's all across the board. Granted that content took me a good week to finish, regardless I was impressed that I was able to accomplish that. Check out the site here. Client number is 1020 if your interested at looking at the results.

Jeep time.

Friday, August 29, 2008


Is mine. Bought an 06 wrangler on tuesday. So stoked. Can't wait to put some new tires on this thing. Anyone in the market for a car I really recommend you do your homework. Lots of dealers in town are notorious for trying to scam you out of your money. Basically avoid all the UNITED dealers period.

Anyways glad for the 3 day weekend going to hang out with alot of people I havn't seen in a while.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Just remembered....

That one of my buddies dad's is a dealer. No not drugs/cards. A car dealer.

Set up a meeting with him for this weekend to check out some new toyota's. Pretty excited and it helps ease the feeling of getting stuck with some money sucking leech of a dealer that we are all so used to...

Mostly reworks this week and lots of them. Had to go back and fix a few things that were left out on some sites for the most part.

Hookah yums tonight yayer....

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

My phone...

apparently has some type of new feature where if I press a button the battery meter moves up a bar. Thanks verizon!! And here I thought you were crap all along! I'll never run out of battery now.

Just thought everyone should check this out GO HERE. I figure everyone would get a good laugh out of that when they compare it to stuff we deal with every day.

New rework policy in place yay! I know its necessary however as we need to implement all of the newer features into some of our older clients sites to help keep everyone happy.

Monday, August 18, 2008


In the market for a jeep wrangler at the moment. Hopefully find one within the next week or so....

Finished up the site for client 2303 today(with the exception of the contact form which refuses to send me emails). Check it here. Pretty happy with it, just waiting for the moment of truth(client approval). Fun project glad I got to work on it. I definitely fancy doing actual design/hand coding over the templated sites we know as timberlakes/federline. Got a stack of regular s.e.o work waiting for me when this is all finished. Fun times.


Thursday, August 14, 2008


On client 2302's site is coming along nicely. The homepage is now online here. 2 more pages to go and it's done. Pretty happy with the design. Unfortunately the client is much in the way of computer-savvy so it's been next to impossible to get any feedback from him. Probably should get use to that because it's unlikely hes the only one like that....

Monday, August 11, 2008

Quickly learning.....

Clients tend not to comply with your request. I mean seriously....If you paid 3000+ for something, you think you would want to make sure that something gets done. Why would you pay that much, then not even send the needed materials to make sure it gets finished??? My client continually promises to fax over the materials "in the next 30 mins" and yet I continue to not receive anything.....

People just don't make sense to me sometimes.

Oh well, I'll just continue to call him until he finally gives in and submits the materials so I can finish the site that HE paid for. It's almost as though I'm causing him an inconvience.

Overall pretty happy with the way the mock-up is coming along.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Pt. 2

Had more icecream today. Yums.

First tech call is at 9:30 tomorrow. Of course I had to get the one client who's first name could be pronounced approximately 17 different ways. It's all good though looking forward to it and pretty sure I got all the information I'll need to not sound like a complete idiot on the phone. I generally do somewhat good when it comes to stuff like this though, so I'm hoping for the best.

Spent majority of the day reworking an insurance site (now I know what Sean feels like). The site has 0 rankings even the the original content was decent. It could have been a problem somewhere within the submission of the site so hopefully with a resubmission and the addition of the new content the site will start pulling at least SOME rankings.

More rain today yay :]

Monday, August 4, 2008

Day of ice cream.



Got the word today that my first tech call will be on Wednesday. Pretty excited about that, something I've been looking forward to for quite some time.

Cloudy for a change today. For some reason clouds always put me in a good mood. I guess living here all my life tends to make one sick of the sun, so it's a nice change.

Been pretty mentally swamped lately with a few personal things in my life. My girlfriend's mother passed away this weekend and it's taken a big toll on both her and I. Service is this Wednesday so I'll probably have to step out a bit early that day.

Thursday, July 31, 2008


Finally completed the splash site for client #2194. Check out the site here. Happy with the outcome. Got a lot of learning experience out of this site and am looking forward to doing another. Now I fully understand the 960 grid and how to implement into the design and coding process which is a big help.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


With the help of Dustin I took a second look at my site and he explained how on splash site like this , with no contact with the client, it's best to stay a bit more generic with the design. So I did a redesign, which in my opinion looks a bit more professional. Overall pretty happy with the redesign.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Client 2194's page is finally coming along. Check it out here if you want to see what has been done so far. Took a bit of tweaking to finally get it looking decent in I.E 6. Hopefully sometime soon everyone running that browser gets some type of virus that infects there computer and forces them to upgrade to firefox. Certainly would make our job a whole lot less complicated. Until then we must obey the crapiness that is I.E 6. All that's left now is to format exsisting text and add the main content and I'll finally be finished. Started out just coding the entire site by hand, then came across the 960 grid so I had to go back and convert everything to work with that and it's been smooth sailing since then. Looking forward to using it in future sites.

In other news I've almost perfected the art of braiding to the beautiful head of hair that just so happens to belong to the Shu. Hopefully my gf doesn't become suspicious of my newly found skill and think anything of it....

Monday, July 28, 2008


Was not in the agenda today. Spent quite some time getting accustomed to the 960 grid system. Its cool. I like it. Certainly will help speed up the coding/design process in the future and really helps to keep your design in sync with the code.

Thursday, July 24, 2008


Quite a bit of new techniques today. One of the biggest was getting transparencies to work within I.E 6. Man what a pain that turned out to be. I found the easiest way was to include the TwinHelix transparency fix in your css. Although I'm not too sure on the gritty details of it, I was able to integrate it and have it working in I.E 6.

Keeping it short today due to eye pain and redness....

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


This chair really tears up my back. I might as well be sitting against a concrete wall with a piece of rebar coming out into my spine, actually that might be a bit more pleasing now that I think of it. Ah just trying to do the best I can to ignore it for now. Maybe I'll get a new chair after this paycheck, after all health should come before all else right??

Spent the entire working on the A&E electric site. Coming along nicely with a pretty neat hawaiian type theme. Should have it done and cranked out by Friday.

Not much more on my mind today. Somehow got suckered into agreeing to watch Mama Mia with the gf tonight, wish me luck.......

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Consisted mainly of a healthy dose of content writing mixed with a decent balance of site design. Definitely enjoying one more then the other. Although I occasionally run into a creativity roadblock and have to browse around a few sites until I catch a bit of inspiration. It is a bit difficult to keep your creative juices flowing all the time, just need to get a few snacks and maybe some decent music and take your mind off of what's going on around you and just focus on what your doing. Easier said then done no doubt. Been working hard at managing my time better lately. Not just at work but at the house too. Certainly some bad habits that form at home could be carried over into the workplace (laziness, etc.) I found a good way to do this is to keep track of everything your working on and also things that need to be done. A site that helps me alot with this kind of stuff is www.30boxes.com. It's basically a big calendar and you click on a date to add a task or reminder. I have it set as my homepage both and work and home and they integrate together, this way when think of something that needs to get done, work related or non, I can just click in the box and give myself a reminder of it. Found it to be quite useful.

Monday, July 21, 2008


on my first splash today. Excited to finally put dreamweaver to use. It's been sitting on the comp getting no love for quite some time now. I personally really enjoy using it. I know some people who live only by hand-coding and express nothing but hatred towards dreamweaver. To them I say give it a chance. It has a slight learning curve, but once you get passed that it's easy sailing. It can speed up productivity by quite a bit. Looking forward to putting some of my designer based skills into use. Page should be done within the next couple days. Spent the majority of the day on getting it into Plesk (someone needs to upgrade this server off of dial-up)

Other then that I finished up the design for another license site today. Check it here! (warning you may become rich)

Friday, July 18, 2008


Ended up going to Dark Knight after all last night, hence the abundance of mountain dew cans on and around my desk. "Wow" pretty much sums up the entire movie. Ledger's performance, as I'm sure you all have heard by now, was absolutely stunning. The Joker is probably THE most cynical, evil, twisted and just plain mad villain I've ever experienced in a film. I caught myself more then once throughout the film with my mouth wide open completely enticed by the incredible performance he brought to the movie. Definitely a Must-see and most certainly be heading back to the IMAX for an encore of this masterpiece.

Somewhere in the past week I seem to have sabotaged the databases on a few timberlakes I was working on. No it wasn't purposely. Apparently somewhere in the process of backing up/ loading new timberlakes, I somehow managed to copy one of the database files into about 5 different timberlakes thereby linking them all together. Change the title of one of the timberlakes, and bam all 5 change. So I spent the majority of the day going back and cleaning up my mess. Thankfully I was able to catch the problem before it became a bit more widespread. Other than that managed to finish off a couple of small, yet important, reworks to help get some ranking on some sites and make the clients happy.

Hope everyone has a great weekend, and go watch Dark Knight.

Thursday, July 17, 2008


Finished up the Silver Labrador site today. Overall pretty pleased with the way it turned out. Seemed as though Kathy took a liking to it so hopefully the client will be happy also. Actually enjoyed working on the site as it was a big break from the norm that we get around here (MLM's much?). Pretty happy I got to work on it. Maybe I'll be able to do a web build sometime in the future.

Dark Knight premiere tonight. Sadly wasn't able to snag any tickets b4 they were all sold out. Going on the weekend for sure though.


Monday, July 14, 2008


This week's got quite a bit going for it so far. Mostly the Dark Knight on Friday but still a few other things in between. Looking forward to the sony/nintendo press conferences from E3 tommorow. Havn't heard much from either party lately and hoping to be impressed by some suprise tidbit of news. FFXIII is coming to the 360, another reason to avoid ps3 for the time being.

Got stuck with a few very time consuming accounts today. #926 was a license site that completely vanished and was in need of a complete rehaul. Design and coding are both finished and content is on the way. #2213 is new, which for some reason is taking stubborningly long to propagate. The mirroring design elements are all complete and once the site finally comes through I can throw them all together and make it look very similar to the original. Hate having to wait for propagation.....

Friday, July 11, 2008

Here comes

the rain. Hopefully. I love the rain. Makes me happy for some reason. I guess living here all your life tends to make you look forward to such things.

Today sort of dragged on slowly. The term "sort of" doesn't really mean anything. It's kind of just a filler when there is nothing else to say. Unless of course it's used in certain context. Like "I love you, sort of" or "I didn't kill him, sort of". Gotta love Demetri Martin. Favorite comedian recently. I highly recommend checking out his cd "these jokes".

Looking forward to the much needed weekend. Just been pretty out of it this weekend, not entirely sure the reason either. Not much planned probably just play some team fortress 2 or bad company and hang with the girlfriend.

Thursday, July 10, 2008


I've come to the conclusion that the air conditioner helps very little during the heat ridden afternoons that we've all become so used to. Well noone to blame but Daniel.

Spent the majority of the day finishing a license site up. Pretty happy with the header I suppose.

Got a lot of work done mirroring another new, for some reason the site is taking an unusually long time to propagate (been waiting since before lunch) so I was forced to style on another timberlake and just save the css for when it finally does. The original has somewhat of a unique style so it should be fun incorporating it all into a timberlake. Check the original here. Starting to get into the habit of scetching out my design ideas before incorporating them. Makes it a bit easier to remember ideas that I think of while brainstorming. I know alot of full-time freelancers live by this technique and it's a good thing to incorporate into your design process. Simple things such as jotting down the hex value of a color into a box can all add up to save time later on and take a bit of weight of your shoulders in the end.

Overall just happy to finally have a break from all the pinks we've been smothered with lately.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


is so delicious. I sometimes wonder why they are so delicious then I realize its because they are so delicious. Gonna make this one fast today as my contacts are killing me and I can't look at the screen very long.

Did work on an actual Legitimate home based business today. Not one of those fake promise ridden "opportunities" This is the real deal folks. Check it out and get in on the secret.

Overall day was pretty good nothing to much complain about.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

A gift from god.

No not MLM's, buffets! Heading over to one with the gf after work today. Today was slow for the most part. At least news of an air conditioner being put in today boosted morale a bit. It's just so draining working in this heat it's hard to be motivated towards much of anything. Just when you get in the right mindset, you start focusing on how hot it is and it all goes downhill from there.

Got a couple pinks started today. Got them to the point where all that I needed was for the URL to be moved to the new server from dreamhost. Kind of a pain to get to the pooint where your almost finished only to not be able to go any further because of the old hosting. Oh well at least I'll be able to knock those out rather quickly tommorow.

Monday, July 7, 2008


everyone had a good holiday. Today, although on the quieter side, was just another monday. Got a site for a client mirrored to their original. Finally a break from the usual, this site was for a very unique "cash gifting program" Wish I had the money to join, for whoever does is destined to be rich.

Hopefully these things are just a trend and pass by with time. Weekend wore me out pretty well looking forward to catching up tonight hopefully. Apparently were getting a new kitten of some sort at the house. I dunno....

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Have a...

great holiday. Try and remember at least portions of it.

Finished a license site today. Had to go through the content and generalize all of it. Took up the majority of the day. Tweaked the css a bit and styled the weblink box also. Also tweaked content for another site that wasn't exactly keyword dense, yet strangely it was ranking, and quite well at that. 79 first page placements for only 15 keywords isn't half bad at all. Not to mention there were very few bolded keywords and the density was quite low. A first page placement for "cost effective transcription" is very impressive indeed. Just makes you want to know exactly what is going on in these search engines even more. You can check that site out here.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


of new protocols has initiated today. That sounded fancy, anyways added a fancy badge like object to one of the "weblinks". Check it HERE yo. Gonna make a little template like thingy that will be easy to exchange within different timberlakes.

Got a couple hots on my desk today. Went through most of them pretty easily. Looking forward to the 4th should be pretty cool. Hopefully don't blow anything up.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Who would've thought...

There was so much to know in the shading business. Glad to have finally gotten the content for client #1020 out of the way. It's been lingering in my to-do list for about a week now. Every time I thought I might finally be able to knock it out, something else would pop up. Overall I think it came out pretty well granted it was the first site I've had to completely re-write. Not the funnest of experiences, but could certainly come in handy for future sites.

A few new protocols were introduced today. We are now directed to add a bit more "flair" into the contact box at the top of the site. Also a contact page is now required with a simple submission form on each. This in combination with the required mirroring of the clients original site is a good step in the direction of breaking off from the normal generic timberlakes.

Monday, June 30, 2008

I didn't know.......

Free sauna came as one of the benefits to this job. Man it's really hot in here. Tends to make you sleepy and makes focusing a bit harder. Just keep plenty of water nearby and maybe a tiny fan like mine.

Worked on a new today. exciting stuff. It involves insurance. Peep it HERE. Learned quite a bit while writing the content for an awning site. Apparently there is a large difference between awnings and retractable awnings. I'll give you a minute.......Okay if you haven't guessed yet one of them retracts and the other doesn't. I'll let you decide which is which.

Friday, June 27, 2008


Finally. Wall-e tonight. Pretty excited. Got a few reworks done today nothing too exciting. Been stuck on writing content for an canopy and tent company. Not the best content writer. Not that I write bad content, just that it takes me a long time and occasionally I get somewhat anxious. Sometimes I can get my head in the zone and it kinda just starts flowing, but that's usually a rare occasion. Well hope everyone has a good weekend.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Safety First.

If your in the market for an insurance agent, look no further then Monroe Insurance Agency. They are a legitimate home based....err...a California home based insurance company. Check em out.

Been pretty devoid of all sleep lately. Starting to take an effect. Looking forward to a long nap tonight, followed by a long sleep.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


So pole position turned out to be a terrible idea. Apparently someone else bumping you into a wall is grounds for getting kicked off the track. $60 down the drain. Also watched the love guru, not AS terrible as I was expecting but I had an occasional laugh.

Worked on two news today. One for a real estate agent and another for some revolutionary new concept known as the "private cash generator". Truly groundbreaking. Amazing that someone could even come up with an idea so original. Both mirror the originals to a certain extent. Mirroring the originals is somewhat fun and adds a few challenges into the mix.

Learned that locking a co-workers wallpaper so it can't be changed (although funny) isn't the best of ideas, unless of course the wallpaper is this one.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Pole position....

No it's not a strip club. It's go-cart racing, and it's awesome. Taking my girlfriend tonight. Her 21'st birthday is tomorrow. Pretty excited, wish I was 21 though. Being 19 in vegas is pretty boring.

Rewrote content for a fishing vessel site or something like that. You can look at it here if that kind of thing interests you.

Monday, June 23, 2008

High gas prices getting you down??

Then you need to check out http://bestwaytosavegas.com. This revolutionary product is EPA proven to increase fuel efficiency!! What are you waiting for??? You absolutely need this product NOW! This is in no way an MLM in disguise taking advantage of customers looking for the solution to extremely overpriced gas.

So the office cat caught a lizard today. Pretty much the most entertaining thing to happen.

Not much to say today. Pretty pooped out. Looking forward to a nap.

Friday, June 20, 2008


Week went by fairly quickly. Overall pretty productive, got alot of reworks and news done. Check out this pretty nifty site for a real estate agent in Colorado, and be sure you don't forget to look at this awesome health insurance site.

Got the chance to watch Forgetting Sarah Marshall the other night. Absolutely hilarious, hands down best comedy of the year so far, and probably the rest of the year. Looking forward to catching up on some much needed sleep this weekend, also looking forward to finishing off Alone in the Dark for the 360. So far it's definitely a very unique game and I've never really played anything much like it. Hope everyone has a great weekend.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


I will keep it short. Running low on time. Got through 5 reworks today. Think we are finally starting to dent the never ending pile of them. Will link to the sites tommorow when there is more time available.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Another day...

Another stack of reworks on the desk. We've all be pretty swamped with reworks lately, some requiring a simple change, some are ....well lets just say "loganized". Never met the guy before, but its clear his favorite site is wikipedia. I mean seriously I happened upon a rework involving cruise ships and there is about 4 paragraphs of information on vikings??? I mean sure they were interesting and all with their little viking escapades and all, but noone looking to book a cruise trip gives a crap about vikings.

Anyhow I did manage to get through three of them today. This one about a one year plan to get rich required a bit of keyword enrichment. This one about taking vacations ( which looks pretty nice if I might add) required a couple additional paragraphs for the new keyterms. Finally we have this one about an artistic plumbing company. The site required a fix to the content which lost its boldness in translation to the timberlake. I absolutely love the first paragraph. Big props to Sam for that one. Anyone looking for a good laugh check it out. I'll never poo the same again.

Pretty good day overall. Getting a new battery for my 2 month old car that pooped out on me yesterday ( go figure) , the best part was that it broke down in the drive through at a KFC. A word of warning for anyone who goes there, bring jumper cables because apparnetly out of the 50 customers there noone carries them.

Also happened to stumble across a 26" hdtv on clearance at target (it was the floor model, but in perfect condition). Managed to grab that for a measly $350 with a 3 year service plan. Doesn't get much better then that. Looking forward to checking out a few hd movies on it later tonight. Overall happy with today though and hoping the rest of the week goes by just as easy.

Monday, June 16, 2008


I think that pretty much sums up how everyone feels Monday morning, although I found the day to go by somewhat smoothly. Pretty productive day. Got through 2 and half "news". The first was for a real estate agency located in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, yes that is an actual place. You can check it out here. Although there is not yet content for the site so it might look somewhat plain. The second was a limo/sedan service in Arizona. Check that one here. I enjoy working on sites other then MLM's for a change. Gives you a break from the generic happy person/money headers that are so common to them. Lastly was another real estate agency (I've noticed we've been getting bombarded by these lately). Spec that one here. Overall happy with today and looking forward to possibly picking up a new plasma tv tonight :]

Friday, June 13, 2008


Got a few exciting reworks out of the way today. #1560 needed an upgrade to T3 followed by some fixes to the css and header. It's an mlm involving the resell of vitamins and stuff. Pretty fancy. The second was another mlm #1247. Needed some reworking in the content.

Started working on another Canadian Real Estate agency. Sure is alot of these floating around lately. Looking forward to doing another new however. I definately enjoy the design part of the job alot more then anything involving content.

Probably hit the movies tonight and check out the new Hulk or maybe The Happening or maybe both....Although Happening has been getting some pretty terrible reviews. Nonetheless should be an overall good weekend. Have a good one everyone.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Back from vacation

Trip was excellent. Got to meet my african aunt. She's pretty awesome. Although I occasionally get lost when she tries to tell me something. Disneyland was a blast. We had two day park hopper tickets so we just went back and forth and pretty much did everything there was. I was wiped when I got back in town last night. I did feel surprisingly refreshed at work today (probably due to my 10+ hours of sleep). Glad to be home once again.

Got right back into the swing of things with a full rework on albeeadventuresonline.com. Pretty happy with the overall design on the header. Closer resembles the original then the first version did.

Also finished the rework of #1560. Just an upgrade to t3 and a few additional keywords. You can see it here.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Friday. Day of Frenzy (pineball)

Worked on a few reworks today. #1452 needed new content and additional keywords. You can see the page here. #1542 required an upgrade to T3 and a few tweaks to the code/banner. View here.

On a more personal note, I have an aunt coming in from Africa this weekend, yes that's right Africa. My dad was born there, pretty neat huh. I've been there once. I was like five and there was crazy monkeys at our hotel that snuck into your rooms and stole shiny things. No lie. Also my brother stepped in a large pile of lion fescies. Also they call ketchup "tomato sauce" (toemawtoe) and they charge you for it at fast food restaurants. Pretty interesting experience overall. Looking forward to someday going back. Anyhow should be pretty awesome meeting her for the first time.

Just wanted to send a quick thank-you to all my coworkers who have been very helpful in getting me into the whole SEO thing. Looking forward to expanding my knowledge in the field and continuing to improve on other areas related to it. Have a good weekend everyone.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Wednesday + Thursday.

Somehow managed to miss my blog yesterday. Worked on a couple "news" yesterday one was for John Wolff's Home Loan Educators. You can see the original image of the house here. Did a bit of cloning and extended the grass. Added some text/shadows and some clouds in the background. Worked on another carbon copy MLM yesterday. You can see that here.

Worked hard on a site for a Texas-based Limousine company today. Tried out a few new photoshop techniques I've been messing with lately. You can see the site here. Overall very happy with the design. Had to pull Daniel aside a few times to pick his brain on some css that wasn't agreeing with me. Learned a few new techniques and am looking forward to incorporating them further along in future designs. Although Timberlake's aren't too entirely flexible, there are some things you can do to make them look decent. I tend to be somewhat anal when it comes to my designs and wont be happy until I can come up with something that is at the least midly pleasing to the eye.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Added some much needed improvements to my blog (design wise). Added a very useful set of links for any web designer to check out. All the latest design related news/tutorials/ anything can be found from those links.

Worked on two "news" today. Finished one for a realtor in the Surrey area of Canada. Went a little bit fancier on the styling with this one. They're background images in the Navbar and contact box. Stuck with the whole "red white and blue" realtor theme on this one. This one's not even based in America, yet the original site still followed it, so I went along with them. The site can be seen here.

Not very impressed with Ninja Gaiden, although hack and slash has never been my type of game. Sure it's undeniably pretty and has a huge fan-base, yet mashing "x" and "y" all night has a somewhat limited appeal for me. Gta4 and Halo have had me hooked non-stop however, so I'll stick to those for now.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Another manic Monday.

Overall a good one though. Finished a new for one of those carbon copy mlm's that we all know and love so well. Toponeyearplan.com Two more reworks in the book for Trip-questonline.com and cruisetowealthbiz.net

Looking forward to firing up Ninja Gaiden 2 tonight.

Thought I'd share a link to one of my favorite sites that I visit regularly www.designfloat.com. It's basically a "Digg" with the exception that it only allows submission of design related links. There's definitely some useful stuff in there for the aspiring master web designer in all of us.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Honey wheat pretzel sticks..

Are simply amazing. Seriously if my only job here was to walk around and clean pidgeon poop all day I would be content based solely on the fact that the vending machine sells them.

Today's agenda consisted of reworking yesterdays reworks. Guessed I had left a few things out here and there. Think I'm finally getting the hang of the whole thing though.

Pizza was delicious. Not a cappuccino fan myself (the only non-fan in the entire building it seems) so I passed on that. Looking forward to wasting away my weekend with my amazing girlfriend and also playing ninja gaiden 2 and mass effect on the pc.

Also get my first check today.

Thursday, May 29, 2008


Worked on 3 seperate reworks today. elmquestsite.com , cruisetowealthbiz.net and treasuremarketingsite.com. 3 More MLM's down the drain. Man these things really get tiring but they most be getting business if people continue to create them. Big props to the content writers for being able to come up with enough stuff to fill these things. I have a hard enough time creating content for 5 new keywords not to mention the 50+ they dish out content for. Planning on getting a site of my own up sometime in the near future. Well until next time..

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Another monday errr.....Tuesday

Spent the entire day thinking it was monday. Weekend went pretty well. Got to spend the entire of yesterday repainting my kitchen. Well at least Friday will come sooner now. Finished the rework of http://artisanprog.net today. Was having troubles connecting to the database after upgrading to Timberlake 3. Finally realized I hadn't set the permissions on the folders (doh). Finally got around to having cs3 installed on my computer which turned into a 2 hour process full of computer slowness. First attempt at the install failed? 2nd was successful.

Friday, May 23, 2008

End of Week 1.

Finished two reworks today.

One Client was for a transcription service besttranscriptionjobs.com Messed with the css a bit on this one to create a round looking container for the site. Did this by removing the border on the "#main" div and instead added a border-left and a border-right to the "#mainarea" div. Then added the 1px border to the header in photoshop to complete the effect.

The second rework was on homeappraisalsandiego.com. Just updated the banner slightly, updated to timberlake 3 and reworked the css.

Finally I finished up the "new" for a real estate service from a strange foreign country "Canada" that I began yesterday bestedmontonhomes4sale.com.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Introduction to SEO.

My first week was...interesting to say the least. Theres certainly some characters here and I think I will fit in just right once i began warming up to everyone. Looking forward to the weekend due to the near overwhelming amount of knowledge I crammed into my somewhat undersized brain within the past few days. Completed my first New today. The site www.livethelifeyouwantnow.com was an MLM, which I'm quickly learning are the favs among the crew here I enjoy the design/coding part of the job more so then the content adding, but I quickly realized its the most integral part of SEO. On a lighter note I witnessed a man (woman?) eating a pinecone for the first time in my life. Well I think ill end there for today. Thanks for reading.....