Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Client 2194's page is finally coming along. Check it out here if you want to see what has been done so far. Took a bit of tweaking to finally get it looking decent in I.E 6. Hopefully sometime soon everyone running that browser gets some type of virus that infects there computer and forces them to upgrade to firefox. Certainly would make our job a whole lot less complicated. Until then we must obey the crapiness that is I.E 6. All that's left now is to format exsisting text and add the main content and I'll finally be finished. Started out just coding the entire site by hand, then came across the 960 grid so I had to go back and convert everything to work with that and it's been smooth sailing since then. Looking forward to using it in future sites.

In other news I've almost perfected the art of braiding to the beautiful head of hair that just so happens to belong to the Shu. Hopefully my gf doesn't become suspicious of my newly found skill and think anything of it....

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